Why & How to Feed the Divine Feminine in Men & Women
I’d like to first define the Divine Feminine. It is every bit as powerful as the Sacred Masculine and unfortunately both of these energies are fully challenged by the Destructive Feminine and the Destructive Masculine. Divine energy is balanced and creative, Destructive energy is imbalanced (too much or too little) and defeating.

Each of us, men and women alike, have Feminine and Masculine energy. Men typically lead with Masculine energy (Divine or Destructive) and women typically lead with feminine energy (again Divine or Destructive), however this is not always the case. Some women lead with Masculine energy and some men lead with Feminine energy. There is no right or wrong lead preference and it’s gender non-specific.
The goal is to balance our Divine Feminine and Masculine energies in our self as much as possible (though generally one will be more dominant) and move away from Destructive Masculine and Feminine energies as much as possible.
Feminine (Yin) | Masculine (Yang) | |
Realm/Terrain | unseen, spiritual, light, unmeasurable, 3 upper chakras (Truth/Throat, Third Eye, Crown/Lotus), being, presence, internal, inner world, circular, irrational | seen, physical, material, measurable, 3 lower chakras (Root, Sacral, Solar), doing, action, external, exterior world, linear, rational |
Divine & Sacred | compassion, collaboration, cooperation, nurturance, imaginative, connection, intimacy, love, soothe, intuition, relationship, authenticity, vulnerability, feelings, empathy, passion, envisioning, abundance, peace | create, protect, provide, acquire, power, self-control, responsibility, leadership, safety, curiosity, strength, spatial |
Destructive | co-dependence, passive-aggression, enslaved, intimidated, desperation, powerless, apathetic, surrendered | aggression, violent, conquer, take, steal, rape, harm, torture, terrorize, force, egotistical, bully, narcissistic, pillage, exploit, greed, war, lack, scarcity |
Our physical world today is governed by Destructive Masculine energies & ideals. Roughly 5,000 years ago egalitarian society, in which men and women were equally powerful and respected, began changing. This change occurred once humans began viewing themselves superior to and more powerful than nature, rather than equal to or one with nature.
When humans began owning & domesticating animals, claiming land, and fighting over property, the Destructive Masculine energies began their rise to dominance. Humans then, already feeling superior to nature, began battling one another: between genders, races, cultures, religions and generations.
Humans and nature were considered equal, men and women were considered equal and all people were considered equal at one time. Though primitive, this arrangement was balanced. The pendulum, over the past 5,000 years, has swung to the extreme and we are now destroying nature, our divine individual natures and each other.

Along the way, over those 5,000 years, there have been a great number of benefits (as the Sacred Masculine rose and before the Destructive Masculine dominated) like innovation, industry, transportation, technology and space exploration. On a fundamental level, consuming the concentrated calories and protein of animal foods even expanded our physical brains. However this trend toward Destructive Masculine has nearly exhausted itself and is threatening peaceful life for all on Earth.
One way to draw the pendulum back to balance is to invoke the opposite of Destructive Masculine energy which is Divine Feminine energy. If the commodification (keeping, killing & consuming) of animals kickstarted Destructive Masculine dominance, then I believe the converse would be true and feeding the Divine Feminine would calm Destructive Masculine energy and help men and women both align their Divine energies.
Our brains are now so large that we may not even be utilizing their full capacity. Perhaps it’s time to focus on feeding the heart.

How does one feed the Divine Feminine?
A diet/lifestyle that supports Divine Feminine energy would be compassionate, collaborative, cooperative, connected, nurturing, intimate, loving, soothing, intuitive, authentic, empathetic, passionate and abundant.
Compassionate food would not end the life of any sentient (with consciousness) being, would not destroy the mother plant and would not harm the humans who cultivate the food. Organic fruit (sweet and non-sweet) is the ideal gift of nourishment from nature.
Collaborative, cooperative and connected food would come from shared gardens, local farmers markets and Community Supported Agriculture organizations.
Nurturing, intimate, loving, and soothing food would be made by hand at home or at small, private restaurants with real, whole ingredients.
Intuitive, authentic, empathetic food would respect the land, all nature’s creatures and optimally fuel the human physical body and energize the sacred soul.
Passionate and abundant food would be delightful and celebratory food that would be appreciated and shared. There are currently enough grains, beans, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds to feed the world’s growing population. Food scarcity is a myth and is based on feeding plant food to food animals instead of to humans.
Changing your diet to feed the Divine Feminine is the final step in changing your consciousness to one of peace for all living beings. It is the punctuation mark at the end of your rally cry for personal and global peace.
World peace will require forgoing the consumption of sentient beings in order to slow and halt slavery, rape, violence and greed. The desensitization to slavery, rape, violence and greed start with food choices that are made repeatedly every single day.

This is a vast topic and one that I go into depth in The Healers Diet. The goal is to balance our Divine Feminine and Masculine energies, move away from Destructive Feminine and Masculine energies, and learn to live from the heart: the place where body and soul, material and spirit and masculine and feminine meet, merge and manifest magic.
A heart-centered diet is one of courage and bravery. It is integral and aligns personal values with external actions. Eating this way heals the individual, community and world. It is the ultimate combination of sacred beauty and power.
Be courageous. Adopt The Healers Diet and help bring the pendulum back into balance. The future of humanity on Earth depends on each one of us feeding our Divine Feminine.
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