Raj je ovde – M.Jackson
Hinterlasse eine Antwort
Želim sa vama da podelim predivnu pesmu, u kojoj je skoro dečijim jezikom objašnjeno tako puno. Majkl, hvala ti.
Raj je ovde (Michael Jackson, Dancing the Dream)
To je samo iliuzija
Stvorena magičnim objektivom percepcije
Postoji samo Jedinstvo
Samo jedan Um
Mi smo kao talasanje
U beskonačnom okeanu svesti
Dodji, hajde da plešemo
Ples Kreacije
Hajde da slavimo
Radost života
Ptice, pčele
Beskonačne galaksije
Reke, planine
Oblaci i doline
Svi pulsiraju u ritmu
Zive, dišu
Živi kroz kosmičku energiju
Puni života, radosti
Moj Univerzume,
Ne plaši se
Da znaš ko si
Ti si mnogo više
No što si ikada zamišljao
Ti si sunce
Ti si mesec
Ti si divlji cvet koji cveta
Ti si puls života
Koji pulsira, pleše
Iz trunke prašine
Do najdaljih zvezda
Ti I ja
Nikada nismo razdvojeni
To je samo iluzija
Stvorena magičnim objektivom
Hajde da slavimo
Radost života
Hajde da plešemo
Ples Kreacije
Vijugajući u nama samima
Mi kreiramo
Iznova i iznova
Beskonačni ciklusi dolaze i odlaze
Radujemo se
Beskonačnosti vremena
Nikada nije postojalo vreme
U kojem mene nije bilo
Ili u kojem tebe nije bilo
I nikada neće postojati vreme
Kada ćemo prestati da postojimo
Beskonačni – nevezani
U okeanu svesti
Mi smo kao talasanje
U moru blaženstva
Ti i ja nikada nismo bili razdvojeni
To je samo iluzija
Doneta magičnim objektivom
Raj je ovde
Upravo sada je momenat
Nemoj da se zavaravaš
Povrati svoje blaženstvo
Bio si izgubljen
Ali sada si se vratio
U univerzumu izvan prostora
Nema se kuda odavde do ovde
To je neograničeni
Okean svesnosti
Mi smo kao talasanje
U moru blaženstva
Dodji, hajde da plešemo
Ples Kreacije
Hajde da slavimo
Radost života
Ti i ja nikada nismo bili razdvojeni
To je samo iluzija
Doneta magičnim objektivom
Raj je ovde
Upravo sada u ovom momentu večnosti
Ne zavaravaj se
Povrati svoje blaženstvo
Heaven Is Here
You and I were never separate
It’s just an illusion
Wrought by the magical lens of
It’s just an illusion
Wrought by the magical lens of
There is only one Wholeness
Only one Mind
We are like ripples
In the vast Ocean of Consciousness
Only one Mind
We are like ripples
In the vast Ocean of Consciousness
Come, let us dance
The Dance of Creation
Let us celebrate
The Joy of Life
The Dance of Creation
Let us celebrate
The Joy of Life
The birds, the bees
The infinite galaxies
Rivers, Mountains
Clouds and Valleys
Are all a pulsating pattern
Living, breathing
Alive with cosmic energy
The infinite galaxies
Rivers, Mountains
Clouds and Valleys
Are all a pulsating pattern
Living, breathing
Alive with cosmic energy
Full of Life, of Joy
This Universe of Mine
Don’t be afraid
This Universe of Mine
Don’t be afraid
To know who you are
You are much more
Than you ever imagined
You are much more
Than you ever imagined
You are the Sun
You are the Moon
You are the wildflower in bloom
You are the Life-throb
That pulsates, dances
From a speck of dust
To the most distant star
You are the Moon
You are the wildflower in bloom
You are the Life-throb
That pulsates, dances
From a speck of dust
To the most distant star
And you and I
Were never separate
It’s just an illusion
Wrought by the magical lens of
Were never separate
It’s just an illusion
Wrought by the magical lens of
Let us celebrate
The Joy of Life
Let us dance
The Dance of Creation
The Joy of Life
Let us dance
The Dance of Creation
Curving back within ourselves
We create
Again and again
Endless cycles come and go
We rejoice
In the infinitude of Time
We create
Again and again
Endless cycles come and go
We rejoice
In the infinitude of Time
There never was a time
When I was not
Or you were not
There never will be a time
When we will cease to be
When I was not
Or you were not
There never will be a time
When we will cease to be
Infinite — Unbounded
In the Ocean of Consciousness
We are like ripples
In the Sea of Bliss
In the Ocean of Consciousness
We are like ripples
In the Sea of Bliss
You and I were never separate
It’s just an illusion
Wrought by the magical lens of
It’s just an illusion
Wrought by the magical lens of
Heaven is Here
Right now is the moment
of Eternity
Don’t fool yourself
Reclaim your Bliss
Right now is the moment
of Eternity
Don’t fool yourself
Reclaim your Bliss
Once you were lost
But now you’re home
In a nonlocal Universe
There is nowhere to go From Here to Here
Is the Unbounded
Ocean of Consciousness
We are like ripples
In the Sea of Bliss
But now you’re home
In a nonlocal Universe
There is nowhere to go From Here to Here
Is the Unbounded
Ocean of Consciousness
We are like ripples
In the Sea of Bliss
Come, let us dance
The Dance of Creation
Let us celebrate
The Joy of Life
The Dance of Creation
Let us celebrate
The Joy of Life
And You and I were never separate
It’s just an illusion
Wrought by the magical lens of
It’s just an illusion
Wrought by the magical lens of
Heaven is Here
Right now, this moment of Eternity
Don’t fool yourself
Reclaim your Bliss
Right now, this moment of Eternity
Don’t fool yourself
Reclaim your Bliss