Navigating reality Inside Reality…and How to Eat Accordingly
I’m going deep. Hang tight with me…
As I continue to study, formally and informally, nutrition and spirituality, I have conversations with myself, books and other people that simply blow my mind…the darling ego mind, that is.
I am not an ego slammer. I love the ego. Call it instinct, specifically lower level instinct or lower intuition. It’s a part of all of us and helps us to navigate our physical, material experience. That said, I do not believe in living from the ego because the vibration there is too low for us to do great, healing work. Living from the ego keeps our experience small in the grand scheme of things and is essentially like living from the reptilian part of our brain.

From what I gather, it seems like everything in life boils down to relationship. Nothing exists in a vacuum or in isolation, only in relation…at least in the physical world.
The way I see it, three is the smallest number. Because if you have one, you automatically have three:
1. the one
2. everything that is not the one
3. the relationship between the one and everything that is not the one
2. everything that is not the one
3. the relationship between the one and everything that is not the one
There is you and everything that is not you. Life is about the relationship between you and everything that is not you…at least in a perspective of physical duality.
When you add the paradox of simultaneous existence of duality and non-duality, these thoughts begin to feel like a complex math word problem, optical illusion or hologram. I think because they are.
Okay, this is where I start talking in loops. Read slowly.
We are one, a physical individual. And, spiritually, we are One with All That Is, the collective everything. Everything high-vibrational and spiritual creates the dual physical world of lower vibration and condensed energy, so we are also in relation to ourself. The little one resides in the One. We experience reality inside Reality. We live in two worlds which really both stem from one world.
Crazy, right?

In a physical dual reality there is a world where there are good people and bad people, black and white, right and wrong, good and bad/evil, light and dark, you and me, us and other/them, friend and enemy, sun and moon, night and day, love and hate/fear, and winners and losers. We have all lived in this dual world at some point and many, many people still live there. While we are alive on Earth as embodied souls, it’s rare to escape this reality entirely.
While we are physically present on Earth during this lifetime we are both a physical body and a spiritual body (or soul). The part of us that is mortal is physical. I believe the soul is our immortal energy body and its anatomy is the energy chakra system.
We are separate (dual) until we are not (non-dual). As we increase our vibration and evolve spiritually, we become closer to non-duality. We begin to identify more with our soul and its vast connection to All That Is and how everything begins with intangible, unseen energy from one source.
The Root Chakra is energetically the seat of our physical experience. The Crown Chakra is the energetic seat of our spiritual experience. Root energy, when engaged, evolves up the chakral ladder. Crown energy, when engaged, evolves down (incarnates) the chakral ladder. When these two energies are simultaneously fully engaged & expressed, they merge into one non-dual channel of enlightenment.
Are you still with me?

Destiny is the dance or relationship between free will (ego) and fate (non-duality). We co-create with the Collective One, or God. Our story is already written but we re-write/edit it as we live it. We are the story, the reader, the author and the ever-evolving and updating revisions.
Heart is the relationship or dance between our physical self and our spiritual self. The Heart Chakra resides midway between the Earthly chakras (Root, Sacral, Solar) and the Spiritual chakras (Throat/Truth, Third Eye, Crown). The heart is where physical transforms into spiritual, and spiritual into physical.
It is by working through the attributes of the heart that challenges in the dual physical world are resolved and spiritual intention is manifested into the physical world. Joy, love, gratitude and forgiveness from the heart, placed on any situation, engages divine alchemy.
Mind is the relationship between (physical) body and (spiritual) soul. Soul infuses intelligence in every physical atom. Mind-Body-Soul is a singular trinity in light of the dual/non-dual coexisting realities.

Putting all this together, the heart mind is your destiny. How you live from heart intelligence determines your experience of life as a balanced physical and spiritual being during this lifetime of yours on Earth. It’s the sweet spot in between both worlds and realities. You can be more grounded or you can be more etheric, however this may yield and unbalanced experience in this lifetime.
The best way that I have found to stay mired in the material, physical world of lower vibration is to focus on lack, competition and comparison. The best diet for this state of being is milk (including cheese, yogurt and ice cream), eggs, meat (of any animal), alcohol, coffee and lack of adequate nightly fasting.
Conversely I have found the way to rise above the dual experience and move into the higher vibrations of the spiritual world is to focus on love, joy, gratitude and forgiveness. The best diet for this state of being is fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds with much of it being raw or lightly steamed. Adequate nightly fasting is crucial.
Addressing your physical needs equal to your spiritual needs through diet can keep you balanced in both reality and Reality. Fueling the physical body with optimal nutrition and keeping your soul openly connected to Source without leaks or blocks creates a harmonic and fluid experience of both worlds.

It has been my observation that there are people who live a very spiritual life yet don’t eat a spiritual diet. These people are often plagued with physical ailments. There are also people who live rooted in the physical world yet eat spiritual diets and are challenged with ailments of the spirit. Living without integrity between the two realities sets up individuals for dis-ease and imbalance.
Physical reality, saturated with masculine energy, is the world of doing. Spiritual Reality, saturated in feminine energy, is the World of Being. Both are true experiences for us in this lifetime on Earth. The goal is to be aware and to know our duality inside our Non-Duality. EatThe Healers Diet way and support your physical body so that it can perform and create the truest work of your soul. Through heart we can heal ourselves, heal others and bring greater peace to our planet.

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