субота, 8. новембар 2014.

Healing Gender Wounds

shiva-shakti333A few people have asked me to blog this post from October 2012. I thought about re-writing it because I would express things a bit differently today. But heck, editing doesn’t work out, the post is as it is, and like this it is brought in here now.
Since that post we’ve had lots of high level talk in our forum on Sacred Sexuality. Quite some material to be posted on this blog.
Any volunteers to sort things out a bit and bring them into context, so we can share some of these inspiring thoughts and experiences on this blog? Maybe You?
From the Thread: Letting Go of Distrust – October 2012
so many wounds between the sexes, so much pain, so much to forgive…
i deeply feel and understand the female fear and distrust. after having spent the last incarnational cycle of 10.000 years on the issue ‘sex’, and the past 20 years on healing the female, my heart now goes out to the male.
sex is the big gem on the awakening journey of incarnating into a 3d world with polarized bodies. and it has become the biggest wound and blockage against melting back into one.
we ve incarnated into polar bodies, which leads to a complementary energetic wiring in the sexes. although in meditation and through intent or programing our chakras can work differently, when fully embodying our genders polarity, we have an electrical chakric charge opposite to the partners electricity. in sexual meetings this complementary charge creates an energy circuit. let s talk about the small circle now, which moves between the first and the fourth chakra.
the males first chakra is positive, has an outgoing active energy, the females base is electrical negative and receptive. moving up through the body, the chakras shift their electrical charge with each step. the heart chakra of the woman is positive-active in the front and negative in the back; the mans heart is negative-receptive in the front and positive in the back.
a freely moving energy between the polarities creates a circle – the woman is giving from the heart and receiving from the sex, the man is giving from the sex and receiving from the heart. usually we move from our positive outgoing expression – we feel safe here, comfortable and strong – to our negative receptive energy. in simple words, the female moves from love to sex and the male moves from sex to love. when both partners feel received in their positive expression, they open up to move to the vulnerable receptive state.
when one of them closes up to the others way of giving love -because all energy is love, it s just being expressed differently through the different chakras-, the circuit gets disturbed and interrupted, and the disaster starts.
and oh man is it disturbed in our collective ! ages of male abuse and suppression of the female have made the woman close herself off from the males positive expression of love. from his base. his abundance. his sex.
which woman really wants to receive a sword in her body and soul, when it was actually designed as a divine wand? who wants to receive ejaculate loaded with the energy of frustration, greed, domination and fear, when it is actually designed to transport the seed of love and light?
and the more the woman closes off from the male sex, the more forceful he presses it onto her. actually he wants to be received, he needs her to bring his energy up to heart, and also down to the heart, when he comes from the mental level of his positive throat.
and not only has the female closed off from receiving him in her base, which has made him need to express his energy through his positive third and fifth chakra, through power and convincing. she has also stopped giving her love from the heart, when she didn t feel received there anymore. and it has become a viscous circle, where each partner isn t allowed and received in their natural expression of love and withdraws into sharing energy in a distorted harmful way. this happens every day in relationships, we all carry these collective wounds and have had various expressions of it throughout our life times.
we can t even say where it started collectively. we can point to the abrahamic times, when the patriarchate was installed and brought us thousands of years of female abuse. but also must have been a reaction to a former energy distortion which has called for this extreme into our reality, although i don t access memories of it yet.
there are memories in me from times when our sexual organs were placed underneath our heart chakras, every sexual meeting was rooted in love. after a first experience of rape in the collective, performed by male invaders from an unknown civilization, the organs started shifting to their present location. from now on it was possible to have sex without hearts connected. without an energy circuit.
way back then another wound had been cut into the female: her partner had not been able to protect her from the aggressors. the males had not been warriors then, there was no need to fight and protect, life had been in total harmony with the surrounding and we had not learned to defend our body-minds. the males had been helplessly standing by the side, having to watch what was being done to their females.
oh what a pain on both sides ! the female still holds resentments for the male not being able to protect her, and allowing the divine gift of bodies sharing love to devolve into a power game in the energy field of excretion. and the male feels cut off from her love, can t forgive himself and ever since tries to prove that he is worthy to be her partner. in all kinds of distorted ways, too *sigh*, and very often by substituting the life force base energy, which is abundance, by money.
yes, the past thousands of years living a patriarchate, and many much older distortions, have deeply wounded the collective female. it is time now to wash the goddess clean from all the dirt having showered on her. but hey, 20 years ago i still saw her lying down, just slowly rising under the lovelight rain washing her. by now she s already up, standing straight, receiving the divine showers to bring them down to earth. yep, she s not only in receptive mode in her first chakra, but also in her crown, and by now clear and strong again to take up her part in the polarity circuit.
the females dominant positive expression is her love pouring out from the heart. for the woman in her healthy polarity the per-requisite for ascension is part of her very nature, this is where she comes from and where the man wants to go. the way is easiest for him when a womans energy draws him there, by her love shining for him and activating his heart, and his love being received by her.
Shiva Shakti
and by male and female i do not only mean the outer genders. we all have both in us, simply said i m 51% woman and 49% man. the disturbances are not only on the outside, but internal. the womans fear and resentment of the male energy cuts her off from her own male qualities.
what they are is difficult to grasp – the old macho expression has been dismissed by many awakening men, and the counter-reaction of the softie has also not worked out. the 3d male is at his end, and the divine male qualities are not yet installed.
the womans help is needed for that. the women, after life times of abuse and suppression -fortunately often in all roles-, are now ready to forgive the men and call them back home. collectively the female has taken heavy revenge on the male, by using the biggest weapon she has against him: allowing or refusing sex. she has him by the balls, and almost every girlie learns through societies example how to manipulate a man with sex. and many men carry a deep resentment against women because of that, no wonder.
when i first became aware of playing this game on a stranger i was disgusted of myself. i understood that this is a collective programing, developed as a tool to survive the male dominion. but it has become an automatism, and it is time to step out of all power games, the male ones and the female ones. they are all illusion, and they only create pain.
and it s time to leave the victim state many women inhabit. men are violent against women because they fear them. they fear the goddess, they fear the enormous creative power of the woman. they fear the abundance of the womans sex, which, when awakening, is too vast for one man to fill it (physically, that is^^, only spirit can…). men have suppressed women because they feel inferior to them. so there really is no need to keep playing the powerless female. a woman owning her power and acting from the heart doesn t fall victim to anyone. such a situation just doesn t arise.
the female lives so much closer to the heart, she is needed now to forgive the male and allow him to be, what he is. to bring in the real, the divine male. we need him. the inner woman shines her love and light, she channels the energy which has to be taken by the inner man to move into action. testosterone goes out and wants to reach. as a lightplayer community, which is so much richer on females than on males, it s high time to bring in the male qualities now.

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