~11~ The power of the Feminine energy comes through the sacrifice which was offered so that the energy of the emotional body could be redeemed and utilized to effect the transformation of the Earth body into fullness of creation as the manifested body or the creative body.

~ The physical realm was designed to move from reaction to creation. This is the movement of immature consciousness to awakened consciousness. The distinction of awakened consciousness is that the awakened are creators.

~ They create and manifest their will and their mind is in alignment with the vision they see. Through the connections with the higher beings of light or the Teachers of Light which are part of the Family of Light, you the beings who are expressing themselves through portals of physical bodies.

~ As you become Galactic multi-Dimensional beings ethical responsibility is mandatory to be a Galactic representative and have the opportunity to come to the earth and experience individual experience and creation.

~ In essence this is a celestial vacation where things can be done in the form of entertainment that the lives and the experiences lived with the space time format are expanded upon and understood to allow for greater texture and divinity.

~ As time ceases because of the completion of the plan of creation it is given to each multi-Dimensional being or creator the ability to create time.

~ The universe is continued by the allowance of those who participate to create the experience of life rather than be subject to it. The nature of the next world whether you call it the Fifth Sun, Sixth Sun or Seventh Golden Age or the Satya Yuga, the Millennium or the Rapture is the completion of the game wherein you are now walking in the light and are mature in your ability to create time and space.

~ Each one that is a Creator has the ability to create their own heaven on Earth. Understand as you move beyond life and death you become timeless and eternal. As a multi-Dimensional being you may incarnate into physical polarized particularized consciousness or stay in invisible unified sentience.

~ Creation is time and space. Time and space are the essential ingredients of manifested reality. The idea that the Prime Creator managed your world so that he would watch you stumble and fall through a process of error of good and bad of sickness and of great pain is not correct.

~ Your unified being is the Sun and you have created this solar system through the opportunity to work with the planetary beings connected to your heart. They share with you the intention of the whole soul collective will to become a greater being and hold the sacred vibration.

~ All creation comes from your collective soul moving in harmony the direction of the flow. Recognize the flow is the expansion of being into a great and greater harmony and appreciation of expression.

~ Feel the flow of Divine Mind towards Peace and Love of the Light which calls itself back into the sacred circle of being. One part of your being manifests as physical matter, another as emotional content and another as Light energy.

~ The parts of you that are mental and spiritual are part of the Light body. There is the Divine mind that has given forth a plan that allows you to stretch out into the Universe and become more which allows for excitement, change and freedom.

~ This is the game of expansion. The Game has different laws by which it operates; the Law of Attraction and Separation, The law of Love and Giving and the Law of Freedom and Belief.

~ In these three laws all is offered for creation of the expansion. Anything that you are connected with through frequency or vibration is included in your reality. The movement from reaction to choice of reactions took billions of years.

~ The movement from instinctual choice to desire took millions of years. The movement from desire to reason took hundreds of thousands of years and from reason to ethics has taken thousands of years.

~ The course is now to move from ethics to intuition which will take this decade. Then all who exist upon earth will move in consciousness from intuition to co-creation which will take just a few months.

~ All will be given into your hands and time will cease to be the barrier that has held you back from accepting what is allowed.

~ Creation is yours to behold, it is your domain and you are honored and respected as wise and great souls. Speak the words that hold your soul’s vibration and listen to each sound, color and intuition for the clarity of your creation.

~ The Andromedan enlightenment is within and it holds you in the embrace and radiance that is timeless and eternal. Through the Pillar of Light that channels life of many worlds and galaxies there is the point of light that shines forth through the world of the Earth.

~ It is the Earth that holds the key and the passwords to the codes of creation. It is here on Earth that the galaxies have sent their representatives to watch over the sacred knowledge that is held here. It is these keys which are kept safe, secure and always held in respect.

~ The Andromedan Enlightenment is about the releasing of these codes so that the beings who have patiently awaited the release may now enjoy that which they have for so long waited.

~ The codes of creation within the Light bodies of the beings who live here on earth and from the heavens the gods and goddesses return to open the treasure chest and release the keys which are given to allow the creation to be fulfilled.

~ When you are awakened to the Truth you will be able to listen to the deepest cell that is held within your Higher Heart and allow it to be the star that guides you.